Communication gurus constantly tell us to listen. They say we should listen more than we speak. They urge us to make extra efforts to hear what others have to say, to grasp the message, to receive the signal fully. This is so we can be more effective … [Read more]
Who Are You? Crafting the Effective Personal Statement
When important new opportunities arise, it is crucial to have an effective personal statement to share, both oral and written. To have such a summation, you have to know who you are. Do you? I tell my adult literacy students that you have to … [Read more]
Who’s Listening? Know Your Audience
Public speaking training typically focuses on content and delivery. It's all about the person speaking - what he or she has to say and how it is said. The message, the signal, is paramount. However, this orientation only addresses half of the … [Read more]
The “Kids” Are Alright – Lessons from the Graduates of 2014
My daughter Alex graduated from college this month. Of course My wife and I were there proudly to watch as our youngest achieved this key life milestone, like her two sisters before her. I have some thoughts on that. But to set the scene I must go … [Read more]
First Things First – The One Minute Hurdle
To spread ideas, first you have to get (and keep) your audience's attention. Most people decide within the first minute of your communication attempt to them whether they are interested in what you have to share. That means your first six to twelve … [Read more]
Why I Started This Blog
We live in a complex world. It is full of pluralism and partisanship, ever accelerating information and technology, stresses of all sorts - economic, environmental, emotional. In short, life today is stressful. So how do we thrive in this … [Read more]
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! … [Read more]